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Project I.1: Intervals

An interval $[a, b]$ is an ordered pair of values such that $a \le b$. This is a reasonably straight-forward class that you can implement. The constructor should take two arguments and store these two values.

class Interval;

class Interval {
		// Constructor
		Interval( double a, double b );
		// Copy constructor
		Interval( Interval const &copy );

		// Member functions
		double lhs() const;
		double rhs() const;
		std::string to_string() const;

		double left;
		double right;

std::string Interval::to_string() const {
	std::string return_value{"["};
	return_value += std::to_string( left );
	return_value += ",";
	return_value += std::to_string( right );
	return_value += "]";

	return return_value;

The member functions lhs() and rhs() return the left- and right-hand end-points of the interval.

Design questions

We will look at two simple design questions.

A single-argument constructor?

Should you provide a constructor that takes a single argument $a$ and constructs the interval $[a, a]$?

While it may seem easy enough to provide such a constructor, the question is, does this really make any sense? Most of the time, if you are using interval arithmetic, you do not intend for an interval to be a single point. This is likely a logical error, so if a trivial interval is required, it is better to require the user to explicitly construct such an interval using Interval( a, a ).

How do we deal with $b < a$?

You have two options if the arguments to the constructor are not in order:

  1. Assume the user meant to construct the interval $[b, a]$, or
  2. throw a std::invalid_argument exception.

It may seem friendlier to make an assumption that the user meant to construct the interval $[b, a]$; however, isn't this more likely a sign that the user made a logical error? By implicitly assuming the user meant something when it would have been trivial for the user to check the arguments may actually hide either a design or implementation error.

Note: Allowing for what should be invalid arguments may make life more difficult for a novice user, who may benefit from not having to check the order of the arguments or deal with exceptions; however, this is more likely going to accidentally hide issues with more experienced developers.

Questions and practice:

1. Why does this class not require a destructor?

2. An alternative to always throwing an exception if the arguments are out of order is to allow a third argument bool swap_if_necessary that has a default value of false. By default, an exception is thrown; however, if the user explicitly provides a third argument true, the constructor will swap the arguments if necessary and create the interval $[b, a]$.

Is this a reasonable approach?