.PS # Shadowed.m4 gen_init NeedDpicTools Boxes: [ movewid = movewid/2 B1: shadowed(,, shadowthick=lthick*4; shadowcolor="lightgray"; shadowangle=-60; \ attrib=fill_(0.85) "box") move R: shadowed(box,, rad=6bp__; shadowthick=lthick*4; \ attrib=wid boxht*2 shaded "orange" outlined "red" thick 2 \ `"\tt box\char44\char44" "\tt rad=6bp\_\_"') move C: shadowed(circle,, shadowthick=lthick*4;shadowcolor="blue";\ attrib=outlined "green" shaded "green" diam 0.75 "circle") move E: shadowed(ellipse,, shadowthick=lthick*4; attrib=ht boxwid wid boxht shaded "yellow" \ dashed "ellipse") b = boxht move to (E.e.x+b,E.s.y) F: shadowed(line,, attrib=left b then up b right b then down b right b then to Here \ shaded "orange" outlined "red" thick 3;shadowthick=4.5bp__;\ shadowangle=45) "line" at F.n+(0,-0.3) ] Others:[ movewid = movewid*0.4 cmyktorgb(96,0,0,0,r,g,b) ColoredV(circle,(r,g,b), rad 0.4 "Hello" outlined "cyan") move s = 0.5; v = 0.8 hsvtorgb(0,s,v,r0,g0,b0) hsvtorgb(90,s,v,r1,g1,b1) hsvtorgb(180,s,v,r2,g2,b2) ColoredV(box,((0,r0,g0,b0, 0.5,r1,g1,b1, 1,r2,g2,b2)), outlined "blue" rad 0.1 ht 2*boxht "Hmm...") move ColoredV(ellipse,(g,r,b),wid 0.75 ht 1 outlined "magenta" "OK") move ColoredV(ellipse,,outlined "magenta" shaded "yellow" "Goodbye") move ColoredV(box, ((0,0,0,0, 0.25,0,0,0, 0.251,1,1,1, 0.8,1,1,1, 0.801,1,0,0, 1,1,0,0)), ht 3/4 wid 1 rad 3/32) "\textcolor{white}{Heading}" at last [].n below ] with .nw at Boxes.sw #+(0,-moveht) .PE